Tempe Open Mic Night

Tempe group 1 Tempe Group 2   By Edgar Villarreal Tempe one•n•ten had an open mic that gave the youth the floor! It was continuation of a performing night having youth perform either with poetry, song singing, piano playing, or storytelling. Yvonne was “hostess with the most-est” (knee slapper) who stood up and helped direct with the flow of the show. It ended up that not every youth who wanted perform could perform, however everyone did enjoy themselves. Our amazing performer, Asia, described the evening as “remember-able” and felt humble that her friends really wanted to watch her perform and cheered her on. Every performer was supported by the youth audience showing that we all need to support each other to cope through everyday struggles in life and we all want to be accepted and recognized for our efforts. Hopefully this will bring open mic night back on the Tempe one•n•ten calendar soon! Tempe one•n•ten is a safe place for LGBTQ and straight allied youth ages 14 to 24, hosted at the Tempe Boys and Girls Club, 715 W 5th Street, from 7 pm – 8:30 pm – ALL ARE WELCOME!