West Valley’s Parabox – Questions on Life, The Universe, and Everything

West Valley’s Parabox – Questions on Life, The Universe, and Everything
By Avi Vieira

With construction paper, crayons, glitter paint, and a heap of imagination; West Valley one n ten youth worked together on a group project that allowed for individual creativity, group dynamics, and confidentiality. With ever growing and evolving questions posed to the volunteers; an artistic means to allow youth to ask important, and perhaps embarrassing questions, while maintaining a sense of confidentiality by creating a question box to be a new addition to group.

Youth were given the chance to suggest names for the new box, with the votes christening it: The Merriment Cube! With the name in hand, the group set to work creating their own personal decorations and designs to the box. As the cube slowly began to take on its beautifications and personality, youth who had finished with their contributions to the art were asked to contribute the first questions, which will be answered as time allows in future groups. The criteria was very broad: questions or suggestions the youth may have for group, love, relationships, sex, or life in general. In all the group was excited to not only have a method to ask questions anonymously, but to help create the means to do so, and have some ownership in what is hoped to be an important tool in helping to inform and connect with our youth.