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Event Series Phoenix Youth Center

Actor Workshop

Downtown Youth Center 1101 N Central Avenue, Suite 104, Phoenix

The Zone is partnering with B3 Productions to teach youth the necessary skills to start/excel in an acting career! We'll meet weekly to learn, train, and rehearse specific skills. This …

Event Series Prescott Satellite

Safe Dating & Friendships

Prescott Grove St & Gurley St, Prescott

what is dating? What does a healthy relationship look like? Let's explore these questions together. For youth ages 12-18 For address and updates, text @psonenten to 81010

Event Series Phoenix Youth Center

How to Snack Healthily

Downtown Youth Center 1101 N Central Avenue, Suite 104, Phoenix

Dentists are saying snacking is bad for your oral health. Tonight in the YC, we’ll talk about how to snack while protecting our teeth! Ages 11-24 For address and updates, …

Event Series Chandler Satellite

Thrift Outing

Chandler Satellite Thrift Outing! *Note time change tonight only 6pm-7:30pm* Let’s go on a thrifting field trip! one•n•ten will provide $5 per person, and you may bring additional spending money …

Event Series Peoria Satellite

Karaoke Night

Peoria N 83rd Ave & W Cactus Rd, Peoria

Come and sing, or just enjoy jamming out to your favorite songs! For youth ages 11-24 For address and updates, text @peonenten to 81010